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Anna´s insigts from psychology and neuroscience guides you to unlock your potential, empowering you to lead yourself and others with authenticity, emotional intelligence and clarity 


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Based on the latest Neuroscience
 The mindshift course for self leadership for you as a leader, entrepreneur and teams that desire groundbreaking tools for stress reselience, transformation and change. 

Change your mind-Creat new results the training created by dr joe dispenza facilitator anna ullenius



Ceo of RecommendedBy Higly Recommends Leadership Coaching with Anna Ullenius

"I first met Anna when, I attended the Change Your Mind – Create New Results course with her, which was an incredibly good start for a common language and our common path forward. But it was everything that happened after that that changed my life.

Through Annas leadership coaching, I opened my eyes to what my company really could become, we have now doubled the company within 2 years. 

Annas coaching, tools and processes has also helped me greatly not only in my role as a CEO  but also in my role as a mother, wife and friend.

Annas incredible ability to be both empowering and "call out bullshit" when required -  made me leave old belivs about myself, break old patterns and behaviors that no longer served me - as well as completely created a new life and new habits - just the way I want it!

 When we started working together I was under super high stress, which I was unaware of. I was often angry and always in a rush.  Without her help, I would have absolutely walked into a burnout  in a near future.

Today, I am thriving while taking care of my two small children, being the CEO and

Co-owner of a medium-sized company, plus have time to care for myself and hobbies.

I warmly recommend Anna as a coach to everyone - but perhaps above all High-Performing women who want to be free from stress and start to live from their desires and higher potentials!”

Tove Oldebäck, Co Founder & CEO  RecommendedBy,

Dagens Industri Gasell Prize Winner 2023 and 2024

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Courses and Programs

Anna, thank you for a magic course, truly transformational, beyond any words. I'm so so so grateful.

/Anneli, Entrepreneur

High Five

Individual Sessions

I feel, for the first time in my life, curiosity! I FEEL! I'm ALIVE! And there was nothing wrong with me. Actually, nothing wrong at all. I even know a thing or two... You have given me the key to life, and for that, I am eternally grateful to you! THANK YOU! I humbly accepted the key and opened my heart, and now there is nothing in the world that can close it again. From now on, I choose love!

// Line Larsen, Accountant

Image by krakenimages

Business and Organisations

-In the workshop, I learned what the human mind is capable of and now I have the knowledge and power to change anything. Anna was amazing she has such passion and knowledge! I recommend it to anyone looking to become greater leaders, it changes life!

//CEO Travis Oster Farms Ltd.

 Video testimonials

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