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Based on the latest Neuroscience! 
is not only a 8 weeks courseprogram – it is journey to your empowered authentic self and to unleash your potential both professional and privat.


Clients love...

Ceo of RecommendedBy Higly Recommends Leadership Coaching with Anna Ullenius

"I first met Anna when, I attended the Change Your Mind – Create New Results course with her, which was an incredibly good start for a common language and our common path forward. But it was everything that happened after that that changed my life.

Through Annas leadership coaching, I opened my eyes to what my company really could become, we have now doubled the company within 2 years. 

Annas coaching, tools and processes has also helped me greatly not only in my role as a CEO  but also in my role as a mother, wife and friend.

Annas incredible ability to be both empowering and "call out bullshit" when required -  made me leave old belivs about myself, break old patterns and behaviors that no longer served me - as well as completely created a new life and new habits - just the way I want it!

 When we started working together I was under super high stress, which I was unaware of. I was often angry and always in a rush.  Without her help, I would have absolutely walked into a burnout  in a near future.

Today, I am thriving while taking care of my two small children, being the CEO and

Co-owner of a medium-sized company, plus have time to care for myself and hobbies.

I warmly recommend Anna as a coach to everyone - but perhaps above all High-Performing women who want to be free from stress and start to live from their desires and higher potentials!”

Tove Oldebäck, Co Founder & CEO  RecommendedBy,

Dagens Industri Gasell Prize Winner 2023

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Courses and Programs

Anna, thank you for a magic course, truly transformational, beyond any words. I'm so so so grateful.

/Anneli, Entrepreneur

High Five

Individual Sessions

I feel, for the first time in my life, curiosity! I FEEL! I'm ALIVE! And there was nothing wrong with me. Actually, nothing wrong at all. I even know a thing or two... You have given me the key to life, and for that, I am eternally grateful to you! THANK YOU! I humbly accepted the key and opened my heart, and now there is nothing in the world that can close it again. From now on, I choose love!

// Kim Larsen, Accountant

Image by krakenimages

Business and Organisations

-In the workshop, I learned what the human mind is capable of and now I have the knowledge and power to change anything. Anna was amazing she has such passion and knowledge! I recommend it to anyone looking to become greater leaders, it changes life!

//CEO Travis Oster Farms Ltd.

Join a Journey in Self- Healing and Awaken Your Innate Human Potential and Find Deeper Purpose In Life

The 8 week program UNLIMITED YOU - UNLIMITED LIFE is for You that are ready for true transformation!

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Meditating on the Beach

 Get a Free Guided Meditation !

 GET A ten minute guided meditation for FREE. 
A gift for your to in a safe way check in with youruself to beconnected with and present with  your emotions and inner feelings!To gain more clarity and inner peace

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